
Archive for July, 2013

Months ago, when we were searching for an organization to visit in India, we came across Rose Kanda and knew right away that it would be the perfect choice for our volunteer homestay.

Now, over two months have passed and we are lucky to call R.O.S.E. our Indian home.

From Jeevan Verma’s inspiring and one of a kind projects, to his welcoming family, to the people of this community, we have only been met with kindness and the utmost hospitality.

One aspect of this community that I have noticed is the many layers that it is made up of. Not noticeable at a first glance, spending time in Kanda opened my eyes to the realities that certain community members are faced with on a daily basis.

I was most touched by the 15 children who attend R.O.S.E. public school. By spending time with them, they helped me realize that Kanda was diverse as perhaps any other place, but that most strikingly, not all the kids were offered access to a quality education. This was and is something Jeevan Verma is trying to change, by opening his public and free school and by continuously striving to improve the services that he offers.

By getting to know these children, problems that face the poorest of the community have become more apparent.

We were most struck by the lack of a complete and nutritional diet for some children, or lack of food in general. It was thus our decision to start and fund a lunchtime meal plan for the children at R.O.S.E.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Kanda and would suggest it to any volunteer looking for a placement in India. By visiting this community, one can learn so much and I can surely say that I will always be thinking of the people at R.O.S.E. and of Kanda.

-Sara Gold (travelled with Marcelo Argueta)

Side note: The host, Jeevan Verma, has a complete organized list of fundraising projects on his website. Take the initiative and support one!


If anyone has any questions, feel free to e-mail me at sarag1993@hotmail.com


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ROSE School kids June 2013Marcelo  with goats may 2013Marcelo and Sara at Tea garden May 2013We are sending this postcard and package as big thanks you for welcoming volunteers in your home and village.We miss Kanda very much, the amazing  home cooked meals,

playing with Subham & Gautam ,cooking Canadian food for the family and ofcourse the wonderful kids who have made volunteers laugh and smile.

We will soon be returning home to our families with all these memories.Enjoy our pictures and I hope our friendship continues from Canada.


Marcelo + Sara

Canadian Volunteers, traveling India -Nepal

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Hello and greetings from Kanda!
My name is Marcelo Argueta from Canada , I am currently a volunteer at R.O.S.E. (with Sara from Canada and Elena from Germany ) who is currently helping Jeevan Verma, the head of the NGO, with some computer work as well as helping with the kids of the school he runs and helping with the family with their seasonal agriculture.  volunteering with R.O.S.E.! It has been a really great experience for me. In my first weeks of volunteering here, I have helped with their cultivation of wheat, daal (lentils), coriander seed, garlic and other crops. Monsoon season is near which means there is much work to be done. Morning are usually spent at the primary school assisting in a school curriculum of Hindi, English and Math. The kids are numerous and come from very poor families, therefore are usually very happy at receiving the care and attention of volunteers. The kids are dismissed at 12:30 and volunteers go back to the homestay for lunch. Afternoons are usually spent helping the family with agriculture and getting to know the village. there is a small fee for staying with us which includes accommodation and food. This fee depends on how long you plan on staying with visitors at ChaokoreeROSE.
This is an incredible experience,




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